

Hello everyone how is everyone doing? I seem to be doing a lot better after they changed a few of my meds. So hopefully I am on the bind of getting well and being back here a lot more. I have been doing watercolor painting lately would you all be interested in videos of me painting so you can paint along? Hugs and Love to you all, Angie

Who is on Summer Vacation?

Hello all. How is everyone doing? I know its been a good while since I have been on here. I am feeling a lot better just not in no crafty mood. Hopefully it will return soon.  Are you on a summer vacation?  We took a two weeks trip to Texas but, it sure wasn't a vacation. Just dropping in to say hello hope all is well in your world. Love ya have a bless day.  Hugs, Angie

Our Prayers.

Our prayers and thoughts are with the ones that is effect by the weather or the flooding.

Happy belated Mother's Day

Hello I am stopping by saying Happy Belated Mother's Day. Was going to post yesterday but, we had a very busy day. We are traveling matter of fact we are in Texas family yard docking. 

Packing for trip!

Hello all, how is everyone doing? I am doing a lot better just not into crafting much but, hopefully this next few weeks I will get some new ideas etc. We are going on a three week trip to Texas. I'm packing craft stuff like crazy lol. I hope you all have a blessed day. Angie

Happy Easter

Just stopping by to wish everyone a happy Easter. I hope that you have a great day in the Lord and don't forget what Easter is about.  Love you all. Angie               

Is Archival Ink Waterproof?

Hello how are you doing? I have been back in the hospital had to some fluids doing a lot better now for sure. Today we are testing to see if the Ranger Archival Ink Pads to see if they work with watercolor paints. Yes, they do work with watercolor paint. Hope blessed day Love ya hugs.  I only use the products that I love. I am not paid to create any videos. I am sometimes sent free product but will only use the product in a video if I choose too. Thank you for purchasing through any of my links may get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. I do purchase all my own products unless I stated otherwise in video or blog. Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 YouTube: angiecraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @Angiescraftcorn Watercolor Paper Watercolor Paint