
Happy Thanksgiving

Stopping by to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a great day and safe one. Be thankful for all of your blessings. Love ya hope to see you all soon. Angie 


Good afternoon all, just a quick update on me. I have had another surgery on October 1st that put me mostly to bed for two weeks. I am back up and in the craft room part of the day still not making videos or nothing yet I have to get my crafting juices running again hopefully that will be very soon. Love you all, thank you for the texts, emails, phone calls. Have a blessed day! 

So Sorry

Hello all, How is everyone doing? I am doing so much better. I had surgery the 4th of this month. I am still recovering but, feeling better daily for sure. I am still taking it pretty easy still. I am enjoying the quiet time for sure. I have been sewing some these last few months. Hopefully I will get back to papercrafting soon. I don't know if I will or not. If you would like some sewing videos let me know. Have a blessed day! Thank you for visiting Angie Craft Corner. 

Envelope Album (Mini Album)

Hello all its been awhile since I have posted and did a video its been not a good month for me creating anything expect some sewing and embroidery if you would to have some of those videos please let me know. Today I did a mini album that looks like an envelope I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. If you would like the file for the envelope please email me . Supplies needed: Paper Pack Recollection Colored pencil Cardstock Red, Green, Yellow Atg Gun Art Glitter Glue Gems Lace We R Memory Keepers Trim & Score Board I only use the products that I love. I am not paid to create any videos. I am sometimes sent free product but will only use the product in a video if I choose too. Thank you for purchasing through any of my links may get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. I do purchase all my own products unless I stated otherwise in video or blog. Blog: Facebook: E


Last Friday I had an ouch for sure. I was finishing up a quilt for our puppy and sewed my finger. Here is the quilt for Tootsie  I am doing better the finger is still very sore.

Happy Independence Day and Give away Winnner

Good Morning, Happy Independence day! Hope you have a blessed holiday. The winner of the stamp set is Cherie Nicholas   please email me at your mailing address. Sorry that I am late of posting who won.  I only use the products that I love. I am not paid to create any videos. I am sometimes sent free product but will only use the product in a video if I choose too. Thank you for purchasing through any of my links may get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. I do purchase all my own products unless I stated otherwise in video or blog. Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 YouTube: angiecraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @Angiescraftcorn

Don't Bring Her Back

Good afternoon today I am later then normally posting but, it has taken about all day to upload the video to youtube. I did a simple layout of one of the photos from our wedding a few years ago. I love this photo cause my dad was like Don't Bring Her Back. So that is the title of the page. I hope you enjoy this. Thank you for watching and have a great blessed day. I only use the products that I love. I am not paid to create any videos. I am sometimes sent free product but will only use the product in a video if I choose too. Thank you for purchasing through any of my links may get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. I do purchase all my own products unless I stated otherwise in video or blog. Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 YouTube: angiecraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @Angiescraftcorn