
Plan with Angie week 5 of 2018

Good Morning all, How is your weekend? Sorry that I haven't been around these last few weeks I haven't been busy just enjoying a clean craft room that I don't want to miss up lol. And I am late at posting plan with Angie week 5 but, here it is I hope that you like it. The scripture of this week is Psalm 110:5 "For the Lord is good his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner.  We are on Patreon at angies craft corner now.  log: Facebook: Email: Instagram:  angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube:  angiescraftcorner Pinterest: angiescraftcone Twitter:  @ Angiescraftcorn

Planning with Angie week 4

Hello all, how is everyone's week going? Mine week has been a long week started having frozen pipes in the house then yesterday having a dead battery. So its been a pretty stressful week here in Arkansas lol. I haven't done a video for this weeks planning I just did it with new washi tape that I brought Friday night at Hobby Lobby for 50% off always love big sales lol. Here is a few pictures of my weekly lay out. The Scripture of the week is  Psalm 121:1-2 "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth." Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft corner. Have a blessed day! Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram:  angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube:  angiescraftcorner Pinterest: angiescraftcone Twitter:  @ Angiescraftcorn

Angie's Craft Room Tour

Hello all just dropping in to show you all a short video of my craft room since is clean and semi organized right now. I hope you have a bless day. www. .Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angiescraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @Angiescraftcorn

Birthday Card with digi stamp

Good morning all, how is everyone this cold morning? Are you staying warm?Here in Arkansas its very cold here. So I am for sure staying close to the heat.  This morning we are going to do a birthday card with a digi stamp form . Supplies; Tempting Turquoise stampin up Happy Birthday digi stamp Memento Tuxedo Black Spectrum Noir DG3, BT8 Elmer's Dot Runner Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner. Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angiescraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @Angiescraftcorn

My Crafting Buddy

Reba is keeping me company on this very cold day here in Arkansas.  She is enjoying the clean craft room LOL.

Repose Ice Cream Box

Hello all how is everyone doing? Did you all have a great weekend? Mine was okay, I have about gotten my craft room done with. I am planning to do a video on it in a few days of how it looks and all. Today I took an plastic Ice cream box and put rope around it for something I haven't figured out what yet. I am planning on putting some flowers on top of it. Stay tune for that video and blog. Supplies: Jute Cord from walmart Plastic Ice Cream box from Blue bunny Hot Gluewww. .Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angiescraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @Angiescraftcorn

Week 3 Scripture

Good Sunday Morning, how is everyone doing? Hopefully everyone is getting ready to go to church this morning, I know I am. LOL. This weeks Scripture was found in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “ But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me. That is why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardship, in persecutions, in difficulties, For when I am weak, then I am strong.” I know that I am weak but, my God is strong and keeps me strong in every day life.  Thank you for joining Angie Craft have a blessed day! www. .Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angiescraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @Angiescraftcorn