
Updating the balances in RV

Good Morning all hope you all having a wonderful week so far. I know I have been posting on updating our rv these last couple of weeks but that's I'll I have been working on so that is all I have to share right now hopefully I will get back into my other crafting stuff soon. The RV has to get done soon. A couple of weeks ago I update the balances in the RV to patch jean work love the new ones. What do you all think?

Update on our RV Kitchen

Good Morning all, Hope you had great weekend. Happy 4th of July. This morning I am showing before and after pictures of our kitchen in our RV it had this really ugly panel on the walls I ordered some wallpaper from that was pretty cheap just didn't get enough of it. Here is what we was able to get done. What do you all think about the update?

My Crafting Area in RV

Good Morning all hope you all having a wonderful week so far. As we are started out on a new chapter in our lives this is going to be my small area of a crafting in our RV the good thing is that I will probably change it before we live I am wanting the table and chairs in the RV we will see who wins LOL.

Quilt for our RV

Good Morning all, I have been away for a few months. Sorry that I have been away for a these last few months. The last few weeks I have been working on our travel trailer so we can get ready to travel I have made a jean patchwork quilt that will fit a queen size bed. I used a 6.5" x 6.6" block to do this. I have made a few quilts in my lifetime but never like this the other two that I made was 12 x12 inch blocks so this was definitely something new to me but, I did enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would. I fought how much I like to sew. So I am doing more sewing right now then papercrafting. I have been working all kinds of stuff for our travel trailer. I will be posting more of the items that I have been doing. We have shut off the internet so we can get used to not having at our figure tips. It has been hard not to have it at our figure tips. How many could live without the internet?  I am not sure if I can or not but I am getting adjusted to it. I will see you all soon

These last few months

Sorry these last few months I have been sick and last week I had surgery everything went good, I am still healing from that. I will be back in a few weeks. For the ones that don't know we are moving into a 32' travel trailer and traveling the usa. So my craft room will change a lot over the next few months or so. Cause it will be outside where we are at. I hope you all have a great day and a blessed week.

Bamboo Easel

Hello all, how is everyone doing? We are having a cool week here in Arkansas. I have found bamboo on Facebook for free it was about 5 miles from us my husband went to pick it up for me. So made a small easel for my Rooster has Had it sign I think it turn out cute.

Rooster had it!

Good Morning all hope you all having a blessed week. This one is more of a joke around our house then anything, with my husband does 99% of all cooking lol. So with our kitchen done with rooster I just had to do this one lol. I took a tile laid down the roaster I cut it out with the cricut used craft paint to paint around it the for the lettering I used the cricut and mod podge it all. This one is about one of my favorite ones that I did.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft corner  please feel free to ask questions, comment, email us