
Planner layout

Good Tuesday Morning, How is everyone this fine Tuesday Morning? Hopefully everything is going well with you and your family. Stamping and washi tape for a planner layout. I used some gold washi tape and blue and green ink's to stamp with. I used a rose stamp that I can later color in if I feel like it. Then used few others stamps for appts and etc. Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday and as always feel free to leave a comment below or email us

Fabric Planner Cover

Good Monday Morning, How was your weekend? I have had a pretty busy one this weekend. Today I have no video I made a Fabric Cover for my planner Friday. I can't believe how long it has been since I have sewed that I have about forgot how to do it. I took four fat pieces of fabric and cut them to fit my planner added a few pockets and took it to the sewing machine and sew my little heart out. It has a lot of mistakes in it but I love it.  Thank you for visiting us. Feel free to comment or email us .

Good Sunday Morning

Good Morning, hope everyone having a good weekend? Hope you all having a great Sunday!

Oh what to take to a crop?

Good Saturday Morning, how is your weekend going so far? I am packed and ready to go. I didn't pack my wagon cause of the rain Friday I packed in bags instead just four bags oh well I feel like I have forgot to pack something but I am not for sure what? I know packing a pillow for the chair is a must LOL. So I hope that I haven't forgot anything at all. I will comment on how it is going throughout the day if I don't forget LOL. Have a blessed day!

Inking and Stamping Card

Good Thursday Morning, How is everyone doing today? Do you have big plans for the weekend? I am going to a crop Saturday. I still have to figure out what I am going to take and do. 😖 Other then that we have church Sunday. Today I did a card with inking and stamping without laying paper. It came out pretty cute even if I say so LOL. It is on the darker side then I normally would do. You can lighten it up and back it look totally different have fun with the idea for sure. Don't be afraid of the inks. I used Stampin up inks. Always used some stamps from and the butterfly came from Inkadinka clingss (Butterflies Clings). Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft  Corner  feel free to leave a comment below or email us .

Easy Card

Good Wednesday Morning, How is everyone's week so far? This morning I have done a easy card I think but other's may not think that. I brought some stamps of at the first of the month 5 sets so far has came in I used three sets to make this card this morning. I hope you enjoy the card.

Chalking, Stamping, Dry Embossing

Good Morning, How is everyone week going so far? I am late doing my blog this morning I am so sorry. At least I have it done before noon today LOL. Today I did chalking  technique. I even missed up on the card. I am sorry that the video is so long and when I went to edit it was doing its own thing I am still learning the my video program so please bear with me.  Thank you for stopping by: Don't forget to sign up for our emails to have a chance to win Paper Clips for your planner.  Please leave us a comment below or feel free to email us .