
Oh what to take to a crop?

Good Saturday Morning, how is your weekend going so far? I am packed and ready to go. I didn't pack my wagon cause of the rain Friday I packed in bags instead just four bags oh well I feel like I have forgot to pack something but I am not for sure what? I know packing a pillow for the chair is a must LOL. So I hope that I haven't forgot anything at all. I will comment on how it is going throughout the day if I don't forget LOL. Have a blessed day!

Inking and Stamping Card

Good Thursday Morning, How is everyone doing today? Do you have big plans for the weekend? I am going to a crop Saturday. I still have to figure out what I am going to take and do. 😖 Other then that we have church Sunday. Today I did a card with inking and stamping without laying paper. It came out pretty cute even if I say so LOL. It is on the darker side then I normally would do. You can lighten it up and back it look totally different have fun with the idea for sure. Don't be afraid of the inks. I used Stampin up inks. Always used some stamps from and the butterfly came from Inkadinka clingss (Butterflies Clings). Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft  Corner  feel free to leave a comment below or email us .

Easy Card

Good Wednesday Morning, How is everyone's week so far? This morning I have done a easy card I think but other's may not think that. I brought some stamps of at the first of the month 5 sets so far has came in I used three sets to make this card this morning. I hope you enjoy the card.

Chalking, Stamping, Dry Embossing

Good Morning, How is everyone week going so far? I am late doing my blog this morning I am so sorry. At least I have it done before noon today LOL. Today I did chalking  technique. I even missed up on the card. I am sorry that the video is so long and when I went to edit it was doing its own thing I am still learning the my video program so please bear with me.  Thank you for stopping by: Don't forget to sign up for our emails to have a chance to win Paper Clips for your planner.  Please leave us a comment below or feel free to email us .

Washi Tape Review

Good Monday Morning, how was your Easter weekend? Ours was quiet for sure. This morning I'm doing a review on a company that is on Amazon that I brought washi tape from that should've been here April 5th that isn't here yet. It wasn't costly thank goodness. I ordered it in February it should be here BY now. Just wanted to give you an warning that you watch who you but from on Amazon. this was from By Elegant4Beauty  Hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for stopping by Angies Craft Corner. Sorry for the rant of this blog I just want to let it out that becareful who you order from. I know I will be after this even it was a small amount.

Happy Easter

Good Sunday Morning just dropping in to wish everyone a Happy Easter. Enjoy being with family and love ones. Just remember that Easter isn't about the Easter bunny or the eggs its about Jesus.

Inked Planner Page

Good Friday morning, how is your week going? This has been a very busy week for me. My husband decided I new a huge copier. Not for sure for what yet. LOL. This morning I worked on a inked planner layout. That I inked both pages with ink then added stickers and some print outs on it. Very easy and fast layout for next week. I hope that you like the video give us thumbs up, also remember to sign up for emails and like our facebook page for a chance to win some planner clips. H ere is the link to the paper clips . Have a great day and a wonderful weekend. Feel free to leave a comment or email us .