
Showing posts with the label making earrings

Rainbow Earrings

Hello all how is everyone doing so far this week? Today we are going to do quilling and jewelry making together and make some pretty rainbow earrings. They are very easy for sure. Tomorrow we will do the necklace for these.  Here is the video.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner as always feel free to leave us a comment or email us . We are here on google hangout also at  Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram:  angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube:  angiescraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter:  @ Angiescraftcorn

Necklace and bracelet

Hello all, how is your week going? Mine is going pretty good I guess LOL. This weather here in Arkansas is changing daily. Gotta love Arkansas's weather.  Today I did a Necklace and Bracelet with earrings out of paper beads and jump rings I love how it came out. This design I have gotten a feeling that I'll be using the next few weeks a lot cause I love how it has turned out. I explained it all on video please watch it LOL.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner feel free to comment or email us .  Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram:  angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube:  angiescraftcorner Pinterest: angiescraftcone Twitter:  @ Angiescraftcorn

One Color quilled earrings

Hello all, how is everyone's week going? So far it's going pretty good here in Arkansas just been busy working in the craft room and trying some new stuff. I'm still making paper beads. Today we are going to do a quilled earrings out of 1/8 inch strips and 5 1/4 long just one color I think they came out pretty cute. I used my left overs from the other day. I just tightly rolled twenty of them and glued them together like we did the other day. Then added an earring deal to them I used a posted this time but, you can also use the fish hooks if you want to.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner feel free to leave us a comment or email us .  Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram:  angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube:  angiescraftcorner Pinterest: angiescraftcone Twitter:  @ Angiescraftcorn

Quilled earrings

Good Morning all, how was everyone's weekend? Mine was okay I guess. Got to spend time with family. I have been quilling a lot and even making a lot of paper beads these last few days. So here good is some good easy earrings and cheap that can be made to match any of your outfits for sure. I used 1/8 inch strips for them and 5 1/4 inch long of the blue and black steps I glued the strips together. Then quilled tight rolls treaty of them. Hope you all like the earring if you make them please share them I would love to see everyone's creations that you have made.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner, hope you have a blessed day. If you like it feel free to leave a comment or email us .  Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angiescraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @ Angiescraftcorn