
Showing posts from January 24, 2023

January 2023 Update

How is everyone doing? I am doing pretty good we are still in our RV living, I am ready for a house for sure and a craft room. I have made a space for my crafting in the RV it is a small space but, I am grateful that I do have it for sure.  We have a long ways to go to have the space that we had before. But, God is so good to us for everything that he has done for us. Here is what the house looks like after the fire.  We are still cleaning all of this mess up. We are getting closer to moving to the new land we can't wait to be able to do that for sure. As for the crafting video I am trying to get a couple out each month but, not sure how that is going to work with Joey wanting to always have the tv on in the rv and up so loud lol. But, we are going to try and get a few posted in the next few weeks.  Hugs, Angie