
Showing posts from November, 2022

Why I havent been posting

What the last two weeks it has been for us. On October 21, 2022 we lost our home to a fire. That included my craft room so crafting has been put on hold for awhile. We do have a place to live we are in the rv right now. We are planning on building on the land that we brought first part of this year. I am just need a place to record videos and etc and I am working on area for that. But, the rv is very limited space. I was going to a scrapbook crop the day our house burned and had the wagon packed to be taken out to the car. The wagon was the last thing that Joey got out of the house. I am thankful that he was able to get it out. Joey and Victoria has been going though the craft room a lot of the stuff looks to be able to be save I have to go though it this coming week to see what can be save or not. God is so good to us. God is also in control of it all.  God bless you, Angie Jones November 5, 2022