
Showing posts from January 15, 2018

My Crafting Buddy

Reba is keeping me company on this very cold day here in Arkansas.  She is enjoying the clean craft room LOL.

Repose Ice Cream Box

Hello all how is everyone doing? Did you all have a great weekend? Mine was okay, I have about gotten my craft room done with. I am planning to do a video on it in a few days of how it looks and all. Today I took an plastic Ice cream box and put rope around it for something I haven't figured out what yet. I am planning on putting some flowers on top of it. Stay tune for that video and blog. Supplies: Jute Cord from walmart Plastic Ice Cream box from Blue bunny Hot Gluewww. .Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angiescraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @Angiescraftcorn