
Showing posts from October 7, 2017

Juya Paper Qillling Kit Review

Good Morning all, how is everyone doing? I know I am a day late on doing my blog today. I am so sorry that I didn't get one up yesterday morning like I have been trying to do. So with that being said I am posting this blog this morning. I just done a small review for you on a quilling set that you can get on Amazon it's a pretty cool kit. Juya Paper Quilling Kit  . You get so much stuff with this kit. You get quilling paper, quilling broad, pins, quilling tool, quilling comb, 3d Mould, curling coach, scissors, crimper, and a empty bottle for your glue. For less than 30.00. I don't think its a bad buy for sure.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner  As always feel free to email us or leave us a comment below. Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram:  angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube:  angiescraftcorner Pinterest: angiescraftcone Twitter:  @