
Showing posts from June 28, 2017

Quilt for our RV

Good Morning all, I have been away for a few months. Sorry that I have been away for a these last few months. The last few weeks I have been working on our travel trailer so we can get ready to travel I have made a jean patchwork quilt that will fit a queen size bed. I used a 6.5" x 6.6" block to do this. I have made a few quilts in my lifetime but never like this the other two that I made was 12 x12 inch blocks so this was definitely something new to me but, I did enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would. I fought how much I like to sew. So I am doing more sewing right now then papercrafting. I have been working all kinds of stuff for our travel trailer. I will be posting more of the items that I have been doing. We have shut off the internet so we can get used to not having at our figure tips. It has been hard not to have it at our figure tips. How many could live without the internet?  I am not sure if I can or not but I am getting adjusted to it. I will see you all soon