
Showing posts from September, 2017

Review on automatic seam ripper

Hello all, how are you all doing? Its cooling off here in Arkansas loving it. Love how we can keep the windows open etc. I brought a automatic seem ripper the other day from Amazon I've been sewing for 29 years and I have never heard of them. My husband was the one that was telling me about it. So I went looking for one and found it on Amazon . The problem I see with the seam ripper that it uses batteries like crazy but, then it could be that I am using cheap batteries in it. I would recommend it to anyone that is wanting one or could use it for health reasons. I crushed my hand 18 years ago so sewing was one of the things I about given up on cause of the ripping out seems etc was way to hard to do with my hand like it was. The automatic seem ripper has made it easier for me to take a seam out. Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner as always feel free to leave a comment or email us . Have a wonderful and bless day. Love you all. Blog: angiecraftcorner.blogspo

Hello Thursday


Fram B-Day Card

Hello all, how is your week going? Mine is going great. I have been cleaning out the craft room some and getting it more organized so I can do stuff a little faster LOL. Today I did a farm B-day card I used stickers, and die cuts from cricut, stamp. I inked the background. Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner. Feel free to comment or  email us . Blog: Facebook: Email: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angiescraftcorner Pinterest: Twitter: @ Angiescraftcorn

Tuesday Morning


Fiskars Gift Broad

Hello all how is was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good I got to spend it in the craft room. Today I am going to give you an overview of the Fiskars Gift Broad. I do like it but, I do think the directions isn't to good or right with it maybe just me not sure on that yet. Mostly if you are making and envelopes with it. It does make boxes and bows with it also. I have just made one bow and one box with it so far. Still trying to figure the bugs out of it.  Blog: Facebook: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angies craft corner

Saturday Morning


With God nothing is impossible

Good Morning all, how is everyone doing? What is everyone's weekend plans? We don't have any big plans for sure. Today I am going to talk about with GOD nothing is Impossible. When you have God on your side nothing is Impossible for sure. I am so thankful that I do have god one my side this week. It has been two hard weeks for me. I have been having trouble with my son. He is getting the help he needs for sure. I am so thankful for that. Please keep us in your prayers. I am hanging on to with God nothing is impossible. Matthew 1:37   For with God nothing shall be impossible.  This is my journal page for this week hope you all enjoy it. It was easy and sample. As I used pattern paper and hand wrote the verse on pattern paper. Used some flowers and gems. I love you all. Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner as always feel free to leave a comment or email us . Have a wonderful day and a blessed day. Blog: Facebook:  facebook.

Good Morning


Bag for handmade Cards

Good Wednesday Morning all, Hope everyone is doing great this week. How is your week going? It's been a bad week here in Arkansas, with a teenager. Just keep my family in your prayers please. This little video is to show how I keep dust and etc off of my cards that I make that is cheap and easy to do. I use fold sandwich bags then used my heat tool to seal the little bag. Hope this helps someone. Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner if you can comment or email us Blog: Facebook: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angies craft corner

Glitter in my veins Jesus in my heart

Hello all, how is everyone doing? How was your weekend? This is one of the onside that I have done. I love how how it came out. The Glitter and Jesus are Glitter iron-on, the rest it is regular iron-on. I cut the letters out with the circuit.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner as always feel free to comment or email us .

Happy Saturday

Today is my crop day here locally, going enjoy some fellowship and hopefully get some more new ideas to share. Hope you all having a great Saturday and a blessed day.  Angie Blog: Facebook: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 Youtube: angies craft corner

Deco Picture Frame

Hello all, how is everyone doing? Happy Fall some of you know that we had a fall wedding . I am just now getting some of our photos and doing some stuff with them. This picture is one of my favorite ones. No we didn't have a shot gun wedding. But, my husband thought it would be funny if we did. So my dad carried it though just gotta roll with the flow with things LOL. I was so against it but, they have been my favorite ones so far. I took an old picture frame and used tulle and flowers around the frame then scrapbooked a page to go into the frame.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner and as always feel free to comment or email us . 

Happy Thursday


Love our neighbor Page

Good Morning all, hope you all having a wonderful weekend. This morning I have been thinking about loving our neighbors. How many of really loves our neighbors. In the bible in the Matthew 22:29 KJV it says And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself. I just want to share my bible journal page that I did with this verse.  I used page kit for yours truly by Cassandra Cooper the gems are from dollar tree and not for sure where some of them are. 

Happy Tuesday

You have been  assigned to  this  Mountain show others  it can be  moved. Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: angiescraftcorner3586 email:

Jingle block

Hello all, how was your weekend? Mine was good been in the craft room working on cleaning it up LOL. This is a wooden block that I painted with red craft paint and glitter. Cut the letters out with the circuit glued the letters on with modge podge. Added some twine and some jingle bells came out very cut I thought. Christmas will be here before we know it again.  Thank you as always for visiting Angie's Craft Corner As always please feel free to leave us a comment or email us

Glass with initials

Good morning all, how is everyone's week going? Please let us know what you would like to see on our blog and youtube channel. I haven't been doing youtube channel lately cause, I need to clean it big time. So here is a easy craft to do with vinyl and a dollar tree cup. Love how it came out I used my maiden name as the initials for this glass and purple vinyl I used a crazy font. For the initials and used a shape also.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner As always feel free to leave a comment or email us

Praying for Florida

Good morning all, just want to drop a little note in that the ones that are in the path of hurricane Irma needs our prayers and Houston still need our prayers. My thoughts and prayers are going out to the ones in the path of Irma and the people of Houston that was affected by Harvey.  Angie

Cars Vinyl cup

Hello all, how is everything is going on this Wednesday? I am doing a lot better today then I have been doing I know I have brought a few older projects these last few days cause I have been sick and haven't been in the craft room much at all. This cup I did for my youngest nephew I used the circuit cartage of cars to make the decal on the cup, used a dollar cup and added is name all in vinyl very easy to do expect all of the laying of the car. Was very tricky. Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner  As always feel free to leave a comment or email us

Loving Fall

Good evening everyone, I know that I don't post much this late at night, I am still in the craft room cleaning and reorganizing it. What a undertake that job is. I haven't even gotten half of it done yet. But I have me a path to my desk to the door so far. LOL. Here in Arkansas fall is here seems like it. I am sitting out here with the windows open and the door open loving all of the fresh air that I am getting. Hope you all have a great night and will see you all soon. Youtube is coming back soon just give me a few more weeks with this organizing project. I have started our wedding album Saturday at crop so I will be sharing some of that with you all. Good night sweet dreams. THank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner. 

Jesus and coffee canvas

Hello all, Hope you are had a great weekend. Happy Labor Day! This is a canvas that I have done for a wedding present for one of my nephew and wife. I painted it with medium brown craft paint, cut the letters out of white cardstock and used Modge podge as a glue and sealer on it. The green coffee cups are a die cut I think I gotten it in a package from a friend of mine. Have fun trying new things with craft supplies.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner  as always feel free to leave a comment or email us

Elephant Thank You Card

Hello, all how is everything going with you all? My heart is going out to Texas with all of the flooding. Stencil with inking, elephant stamp, word grain stamp, strips of red, Thank you stamp inked in green.  Thank you for visiting Angie's Craft Corner Feel Free to leave a comment or email us .