
Showing posts from February, 2017

Been a busy week

Good Saturday Morning all, Hope you are having a great weekend so far. This pass week has been very busy for me. I have been running around with my husband. Hopefully these next few days will be a little bit slower. I haven't been crafting cause of running around with my husband. Hopefully I will get back at it Monday morning. Have a wonderful blessed weekend everyone.

Oh, what kind of day

Good Tuesday Morning all from Arkansas, where the weather is crazy. I have had the door open to the outside for the last few days and enjoying the fresh air. How is your weather? I have a kid home sick these last few days ready for the flu to be gone for good. I haven't been doing video's lately cause for some reason my lips are bigger then they should be. Finally getting into a dr Wednesday. These last few months I have been on planner planet I think lol. I have been making planners and stickers for the planner like crazy. So today and the next few days its going to be a written blog sorry if you dont like to read. Hopefully by next week I will be able to do the videos that will help more then these written blogs. Today we are going to do this weeks planner layout of my choice lol. On the planner of my design that I have done on off-white paper. This is my mom's planner that I have been making her. I used printable stickers and cut them out that I didn't do to good I d
I am a craftier I love to share and teach what I do know how to do. I hope you enjoy crafting as much as I do. I am trying to do a card kit where I do the designs and you will be able to put them together all you will have to have is the glue or tape that you want to use. They will be 6 card per set. I will post them on the blog when there is a set ready. Thank you for checking out my site and have a blessed day!